Remix is a not a dance studio it’s a home!!! I had no desire to be a dance MOM ever!!!! But now I wouldn’t know what to do without it!!! There is nothing better than a dance family!!!
- Megan Luciano, mother
Through the years, I’ve watched Remix and my daughter grow together. They have both accomplished so much and continue to achieve in dance as well as in life. That’s why I’m proud to be a Remix Dance Dad!
- Ryan McNicholas, father
3002 W. Main Street
Morgantown, Pa 19543
...very timid and shy to confident and a social butterfly.
When Zoie was asking to take dance at the age of 2 nobody would give her a chance, everyone told me she was too young. ReMix accepted her at 2 1/2 and embraced her with open arms. She was so tiny and timid but loved dance. I never thought at that time we would be where we are now. Zoie will be turning 11 soon and ReMix is our second home and she loves every bit of it. We don't know any other way. I have seen my daughter grow from very timid and shy to confident and a social butterfly. This is because of the skills, dedication, and love she has received from our second family. We love our remix dance family!!!!!!!
-Angela Griffin, mother